weight weenies

Cycling weight weenies, to put it bluntly, are insufferable elitists who prioritise the number of grams over everything else. Their singular focus on shedding weight demonstrates a shallow understanding of what truly matters in cycling. Instead of appreciating the sport as a whole, they obsess over tiny weight reductions as if it's the holy grail of performance.

These self-proclaimed experts conveniently overlook the fact that cycling performance is influenced by numerous factors beyond weight alone. They fail to grasp that aerodynamics, comfort, handling, and reliability play crucial roles in achieving optimal performance and enjoying a ride.

In the end, true cyclists understand that weight weenies are a parody of the sport. They represent the worst aspects of cycling culture, highlighting materialistic obsessions rather than fostering a sense of community and enjoyment. While weight reduction can be a legitimate pursuit, these self-absorbed arse-hats miss the mark entirely, turning cycling into a shallow competition of who has the lightest bike and the deepest pockets.

The weens (not the good kind) are nothing more than insufferable elitists who prioritise weight reduction above all else. Their obsession with grams demonstrates a lack of understanding and appreciation for the broader aspects of cycling. True cyclists recognise weight weenies for what they are: a mockery of the sport.
